identity Dec 14, 2023

When it comes to running a music label, there are countless reasons why people embark on this journey. For us, it goes beyond mere business or personal ambition. It's about creating a heaven for our music, a sanctuary where we have the freedom to release it on our terms. This endeavor is truly beautiful and holds a profound significance in our lives.


Now, you might wonder,

Why did we start NOFACE? & Why should you even care?


Allow us to take you through our story, a tale of multiple journeys and transformative phases. The seed of the idea was sown during my days at SIZE Records. Witnessing the growth of Steven Angello's brainchild, I was captivated. The way he fostered a vibrant community and nurtured the label into a colossal empire left an indelible mark on my soul. It became my dream to one day create a similar legacy.


As I embarked on my own path, I soon realized that I needed a purpose beyond personal aspirations. Of course, releasing my own music was a driving force, as was the desire to be my own boss and answer to no one. However, I knew there had to be a deeper meaning behind my desires.


It wasn't until I fully embraced independence that I discovered NoFace's ultimate goal. It's remarkably simple yet profound: to provide a platform for the next generation of artists. Our mission at NoFace is to lay down a solid foundation and support those who are poised to carry the torch forward.


My personal aspirations have always revolved around surrounding myself with extraordinary, talented individuals. It's a clear and noble objective, the only one that truly matters to me and my incredible team. Are we flawless? Has the past three years of complete independence been an effortless journey? Absolutely not! But you know what? We show up every single day and keep fighting.


Today, I pen these words to mark a new beginning for NoFace, a fresh chapter in our story. This chapter will propel us to distant horizons and, more importantly, bring us closer together. Our mission is simple: to assist as many artists as we possibly can. And our goals are even more straightforward: we strive to accomplish great things.


Let us unite and grow together, navigating the storms and celebrating the triumphs as one cohesive entity. 


Together we shall leave an indelible mark on the world of music.


Max Vangeli

and The NoFace Family!


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